Monday, January 22, 2007

Entry 1

* What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

Ender's Game is about in a future where mankind has barely survived an invasion by the insectoid "buggers". Buggers are just another name for aliens. Well the theme of this book is that Ender Wiggin being the world's most talented children, are taken into "Battle School" at a very young age to supply commanders for the coming Third Invasion. Andrew Ender Wiggin is a brilliant six-year-old boy, born a third child. In the book being third is very rare and not good. They don't consider that third is their family, but Ender's family really cared about him except his older brother, Peter. Peter is also billiant, but far more sadistic than Ender. Ender also had a older sister called Valentine . Valentine is as intelligent as Peter, but her sweet temperament is completely opposite that of Peter.
The major theme is that Ender going to Battle School and training to become a commander and protect human from the 3rd invasion.
Also being third is a important theme in this book too. The book tells that don't be disappointed and be negitive that your brothers and sisters bother you so badly because you are the youngest member in the family. Also it shows that even though you are the youngest, you can be important to your family.


Justine said...

What?? Aliens?? lolz

As our technology develope and we humans get to travel to space, we might meet aliens in the near future. Wars between them? Maybe, but I don't think such BIG war will happen to train talented teenagers to fight. It's unrealistic.. for now. The only possibility that comes into my mind is that Earth become so polluted that humans cannot live on it anymore.. Once we look for another planet to live, and have to fight against aliens.. it might come true~

Have a great Lunar~

African Globe Trotters. said...

What an interesting blog entry. I really liked the effort and energy you put into this entry. Mrs Mc.